Thursday, 31 March 2011 0 comments By: VANGUARD



Planning your garden design;

Did you dig in without considering garden design when you were starting out? That's what I did. I just kept making my beds a little wider each year to put in more perennials. It was a matter of learning by doing.


No, you don't have to draw out a plan, showing where every single perennial plant goes.
I was trained in garden design, and most of the time I don't have the patience for that!
The pros do it to figure out the exact number of plants to order, but home gardeners usually don't work that way.
When I make a drawing for myself, it's generally a simple one to show the layout of a bed, and a basic planting plan that shows the most important plants only.

 A logical planting scheme to follow;

 A lot of folks see gardening primarily as getting color into their yards. But if you focus on colorful flowers first and foremost, it's a bit like arranging the lamps, accessories and pictures before your house has even been built.

I once took a landscape design course taught by the British garden guru John Brooke, author of John Brooke Garden Design. He advises planning and planting in the following order: First, the "specials", usually large deciduous trees that serve as focal points; next the "skeletons," evergreens or hedges for year-round structure.

Then come the "decorative", flowering shrubs or tall grasses. And, finally, you get to the "pretties" - spring and summer-blooming perennials and fillers such as bulbs, annuals or biennials.

Planting your garden will be easier if you take a little time to plan before you buy plants. Remember: nobody creates a prize-winning flower garden the first year - but you weren't going to invite the garden club over for coffee - not just yet anyway?

Monday, 14 March 2011 0 comments By: VANGUARD



How to plant

  • Bulbs are some of the easiest garden plants to grow, needing only a well-drained soil and some sunshine. As a general rule, plant bulbs two to three times their own depth and around two bulb widths apart.
  • It's important to plant bulbs with its top facing upwards. If unsure, plant the bulb on its side.
  • Replace the soil after planting, breaking down any large clumps and firm in gently, making sure there are no air spaces around the bulbs.

Bulbs in lawns

  • Naturalise bulbs in lawns by taking a handful and dropping from waist height.
  • Plant where they land with a strong trowel or bulb planter - these are ideal for digging into heavy clay soil. To use, push the cylindrical blade down, twist and pull up a plug of soil.
  • Drop the bulb in, flattest side down, and crumble the plug into the hole.
  • In order to save time, try planting a large number of small bulbs by lifting a piece of turf and planting a group of bulbs in the soil.


Bulbs in pots

  • When growing bulbs in a pot, pick a container that is the right size and will complement your chosen bulbs.
  • If you are using a clay pot with a large drainage hole in the base, cover it with a piece of broken pot.
  • Fill pots with general-purpose compost, mixed with a handful of horticultural grit to improve drainage.
  • Water after planting.


  • Bulbs in pots need more care than those in soil.
  • Keep the compost moist and protect from frost by wrapping with bubble wrap over winter. Cover with a piece of chicken wire to prevent squirrels, mice and voles from digging them out. Remove it when shoots appear.
Saturday, 12 March 2011 0 comments By: VANGUARD



 The “Strawberry Factory” Patio Planter

This planter is built to last a lifetime. Just add one bag of garden soil, mix with the included soil amendments, and add your plants.


Ø    2” x 8” Western Red Cedar Construction
Ø    3” Stainless Steel Screws
Ø    Gorilla GlueTM  Joints
Ø    36” x 14.25” Dimensions
Ø    Holds 1.5 cu. Ft. (12 Gallons)
Ø    3-Year Unconditional Warranty

Each planter comes with the following:

Ø    1 Gallon of Perlite
Ø    2 Gallons of Soil Amendment
Ø      Instructions with Planting Tips

The “Herb Factory” Patio Planter

Just add one bag of garden soil, mix with the included soil amendments, and add your seed (also included).


Ø    Same as above

Each planter comes with the following:

Ø    1 Gallon of Perlite
Ø    2 Gallons of Soil Amendment
Ø    8 Varieties of Herb Seed
Instructions with Planting Tips

The “Salad Factory” Patio Planter

Add one bag of garden soil, mix with the included soil amendments, and add your seed (also included).


Ø    Same as above
Each planter comes with the following:

Ø    1 Gallon of Perlite
Ø    2 Gallons of Soil Amendment
Ø    3 Packages of Lettuce Seeds- Black-Seeded Simpson, Red Romaine, & Buttercrunch.
Ø      Instructions with Planting Tips